Oh, the Places You'll Go!


The gift my Mom gave me when I graduated from college was quite fortuitous: a copy of “Oh, the Places You’ll Go!” by Dr. Seuss. When I graduated and got a “real” job, I remember coming home to my small hometown in northern Minnesota (where the best people are) and reporting in with friends. “Do you get to travel in your new job?” to which I responded (also to the question “Do you get to carry a briefcase?”), “I DO!!!!!!!” And yes, there were that many exclamation points. Now that was a few years dozen ago — before our world was made so much smaller by the “interwebs,” where travel and adventure are just a post and click away. And before the sparkle of business travel was worn down like a favorite pair of pumps.

You see, I left my corporate career to stay home more. But the universe can play funny tricks on us. I am traveling here and traveling there. I’m traveling north and traveling south. Yep, this consulting gig has me on airplanes equal to or more than my last job. But, there’s a big difference. In corporate, it was “part of the job.” Now, it’s a means to an end — a way to do good work for clients I love. Granted, there are times I have to repeat that 100 times in order to get myself to walk down the jetway, but it is true.

Today we introduce to you our first in a series of SimplyConnect vlogs focused on the joys of travel. They’re intended to spotlight the humor we find as road warriors. Indulge us a little, it might be the thing we need to head to the airport tomorrow. Thankfully, these Connectors, and our weird senses of humor make those flights, delays, mechanicals, stinky co-passengers (no, I’m not talking about Jamie) a little more tolerable. If you like these posts, don’t worry. We’re like Prince with a vault of material to share. If you don’t, not to worry. We have lots of business blogs headed your way.

Thanks for watching, listening, following and “liking.” I’m off to book some flights. Oh, the places I’ll go, indeed. Mom, you got it right.

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